Welcome to kindergarten and nurseries „Lienka“ (Ladybug)
Are you looking for a kindergarten or a nursery for your kids? Welcome to the bilingual nursery LIENKA (LADYBUG). Every parent is well aware of the importance of providing a high-quality education associated with a joyful and loving approach to a child in pre-school age.We also realize this and therefore every day we do everything possible to make our services the best. In the beautiful surroundings of Horský Park (the Mountain Park)in Bratislava, we have created the conditions in which we can provide the best and most effective care. Our nursery is bilingual with communication languages Slovak & English.
Kindergarten Lienka has been a part of pre-school facilities accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic since its establishment in 2003. This means that we are a private kindergarten, not a children’s centre, and we guarantee pre-primary education and pre-school preparation in accordance with relevant valid legislation. At the same time, we provide a full, private service, taking into account clients‘ requirements. At our kindergarten, the pedagogical approach of teachers is based on positive education, which is rooted in love and trust in the child. We are happy to contribute to the correct development and understanding of a child’s world full of play, fun, creativity and joy.
Facilities of our classes
Classes are comfortably furnished, purposefully and regularly updated. Children have lots of different toys, fairy-tales and educational books. Technical equipment is provided including a DVD player, projector and large projection canvas, computer and, of course, an interactive whiteboard.

Indoor spaces of kindergarten
The operation of the nursery and the kindergarten is spread over two floors. On the ground floor, there is the classroom of Little Ladybugs with a dining area, playroom and bedroom. On the first floor, there is the class of Ladybugs, also with a dining room, playroom and bedroom. On every floor there are social facilities, a kitchen and a cloakroom with cupboards and benches.
Private playground
Within our garden, children have access to a climbing frame, sandpit, playhouse, swings, and also cars & scooters. The area of the playground is covered with a soft, safe surface, the house is situated on a regularly maintained lawn. There is also seating with tables.
Hygiene and health
Every day we pay attention to the compliance of children’s hygiene habits, by that we also support their independence. Part of the education process is, among other things, building the relationship of children with a healthy lifestyle and body care. Social facilities are equipped with soap dispensers and disposable hand towels. We try to prevent diseases that are easily transmitted within a group of children. The standard equipment of the kindergarten includes a first aid room used in the case of acute illness of the child.
Safety and care
For the safety and care of our wards, there is a camera monitoring system covering all premises of the kindergarten and nursery. Thanks to this, a complete overview of the entire area is provided, and in case of an accident, the camera system is a proven tool to prevent and analyze the situation.
For your children
It is in the pre-school facility we are able to provide children with a good foundation for a simpler start in school and therefore, in their education and training, we focus mainly on experiential learning. In a playful way, with respect for the rights to education and training in accordance with the Convention of the Rights of the Child, we give every child a chance to develop their capacities and abilities to ensure the full development of their personality.
- In addition, the kindergarten is bilingual, both Slovak and English-speaking children come to us, this creates natural conditions for bilingual communication.
- Our aim is to create various opportunities in which parents can be engaged. The parents can also be informed every day about educational activities with the possibility to convey their comments and opinions.
- Private kindergarten focuses on the education of children from two to six years and children with postponed compulsory attendance.
- The maximum number of children in the class is fifteen. Classes are divided into groups where one teacher has a maximum of six to seven children.
- If the child is less than 2 years old but is mature and able to integrate into the collective, his/her acceptance may be possible after several days of observation.
Starting kindergarten is a huge change in the lives of children as well as their parents. That is why we at our kindergarten use an adaptation process that will help you handle this complicated time. The aim of the adaptation process is to overcome negative emotions resulting from the child’s separation from parents, to become comfortable in the new role of a kindergarten pupil and to integrate the child into the community with other children. Our team has several years of experience that we apply in the integration process.
The daily program includes games, play activities, motion and relaxation exercises, time outdoors, naps and educational activities. In the stimulating environment of kindergarten children are able to improve their practical skills and get comprehensive information about the world around them. We help them to get used to another adult person and a small group (up to 6 children in one group), and to also get used to the order and activities of the school regime. They improve their soft motoric skills, control their movements, develop the basics of creative thinking, personal and social competencies.
We lead children to creativity and independence by obtaining information from different sources. We move the teacher’s role to the position of an observer, partner, and counsellor. Children are educated by qualified pedagogical staff, with a loving and responsible approach. There is a logopedist and psychological care available. Through games, the child meets his or her needs, desires, interests, and is also learning and educated.
Educational equipment and learning materials enable a comprehensive development of the personality of the child in a playful experiential form, with an emphasis on his or her individuality. Through our educational program „Lienkovo“, which is based on ISCED 0 – a state educational document, we enable the complex personality development of the child.
We give children full balanced meals, complemented by a wide selection of fruit-and-cereal snacks. Snack and lunch are served at a fixed times keeping a regular triangle interval between meals. Throughout the day, a drinking regime is ensured, we prefer to give pure water and unsweetened teas. Teachers take care of creating the right table manners.
Children have the opportunity to participate in optional activities – canisterapia, archery, pony riding, swimming, skating and gymnastics under the guidance of specialized coaches. Regular educational activities are enriched by theatre performances, excursions, trips, gabfests, creative workshops, birthday celebrations, carnivals, celebrations of holidays, visits of the zoo and museums. We often visit Horský park (the Mountain Park), which is in the neighbourhood of the kindergarten and it provides the children with many opportunities for outdoor activities in the fresh air of nature.
Integrated class for children with special needs
In our facility, children with special needs are integrated with the assistance of a specialized teacher who is part of our staff. We create conditions for the development of each child’s personality.
The education and well-being of your children is one of our priorities.
We let our results speak for us.
Every day we try to create a pleasant and joyful atmosphere with a lot of experiences. We think that a happy and contented child makes their parents happy too. We appreciate the faith you have in us by entrusting your child into our care, we perceive it as a great commitment.
Every day, we do our best to create a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere and offer many experiences to our kids. We believe that happy and satisfied children create happy parents. We value the trust that you place in us and it is an immense commitment.
Our classes and programs
At kindergarten Lienka we provide a quality service with the possibility of combining the offered services and therefore there are several programs available, of which everyone will be able to choose.
The program is full-day or half-day, with or without meals. The tuition fee includes a service called “ „distribution“. It means that your child will be picked up at home in the morning, and in the afternoon we’ll bring him/her back home.
Little Ladybugs (nursery) – children up to 3 years old
The youngest visitors in our kindergarten are called „Lienočky“ – „Little Ladybugs“. This includes children aged between 1,5 and 3 years. Would you like to know more about our services?
Ladybugs (kindergarten) – children from 3 years old
Children aged 3 to 6 and children with postponed school attendance visit the class called „Lienka“, which is divided by age and number of children into two groups. Would you like to know more about prices and programs in this class?
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